Our Trade Shows
Our objective is to assist you as an exhibitor, buyer or visitor by providing the necessary information and professional services to make your trade show experience successful.
Atlas Marketing is the official representative for a variety of international events in many countries. Our event portfolio brings together the industry’s best quality events. We also organize country pavilions and strive to ensure your best commercial experience at our events.
We do more than just bringing companies to our trade shows. We listen to your needs and we offer you options to make sure you maximize your investment. Proper planning at an international trade show makes all the difference in sales, exposure and success in entering a new market. With more than 16 years experience in international events and trade show consulting, Atlas Marketing works hand-in-hand with the world´s most important trade fair organizers.

Big 5 Dubai


Mostra Covegno Expocomfort

Global Elevator Exhibition



Rimini Wellness


Big 5 Construct Saudi
For the organizer
What we offer
- Gathering intel on the target groups
- Marketing activities involving E-blast campaign/phone calls
- Identification and selection of the right exhibitor for the right event
- Presentations of trade shows to relevant audiences
- Visits to competitive trade shows
- Monthly reports to the organizer
- Post shows follow-ups
For the Exhibitor
What we do
- Gather intel on the target export market
- Advise on governmental subsidy programs that provide financial support for exhibitors
- Help with the planning for the show
- Assistance with the booking form and location or your booth
- Assistance in finding the suitable stand builder
- Assistance during build up
- Onsite presence during events